
The Order of St. George | Проводи-ка меня / Provodi-ka menya / לווה אותי | Александр Розенбаум / Alexander Rozenbaum / אלכסנדר רוזנבאום | Lyrics Translation | Who I am | Yaniv Hamo

The Order of St. George (Орден св. Георгия) - "За службу и храбрость"

The order of St. George - 1st classA military award, one of Imperial Russia's highest exclusively military orders. It is second only to the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. This order could be given to officers and generals for deeds of arms, of special gallantry, such as:

  • Personally leading troops, scoring a full victory by routing a superior enemy force
  • Personally leading troops, capturing a fortress
  • Capturing an enemy chief commander
  • other outstanding battle achievments

The Order of St. George consists of four classes. Upon the first heroic deed, the officer receives the order of the lowest rank, the fourth class ("орден св.Георгия 4-й"). For subsequent astonishing achievments, he (no 'she' in battles back then, sorry girls :) ) would received the third class, and so on. An officer who had performed a fourth outstanding act of heroism could be put forward for the Order of St. George 1st Class ("орден св. Георгия I"). A council composed of Knights of the Order had investigated each case individually, before membership in the Order of classes 3 and 4 could be granted. Classes 1 and 2 were awarded only by decree of the emperor.

The 1st class of the Order of St. George is a highly prestigious award. It was awarded to only twenty-five persons, while the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the highest award of the Russian Empire, was given to more than a thousand.

The Order of St. George was worn in different ways, depending on its class (click for pictures):
